
4 Week Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout Program

By November 9, 2022January 5th, 2023No Comments

Here’s a 4 week kickboxing heavy bag workout plan that includes every tool in the tool box – punches, kicks, elbows, knees, everything!

This 4 week program is with 3 workouts each week.  I’ve labelled the workouts for Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday; but, of course, you can do the workouts whenever your schedule allows. 😊

Quick Overview.

Each workout should take 29 minutes to complete.  There’s a 10 minute warm up; and then, the kickboxing workout will take 19 minutes to finish.

The Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout is a 4 X 4; meaning, it’s a 4 minute round done 4 times with a 1 minute rest in between rounds. Thus totalling 19 minutes.

You’ll need a timer. ⏰  Just use the timer on your smart phone!!

For each workout, there’s a standard warm up.

1 min each of:

  • Strides
  • Squats
  • Lunges
  • Heels Up
  • Push Ups

Then, go directly into the stretching routine.

Hold each stretch for 30 seconds.

  • Shoulder stretch
  • Seated twist right
  • Seated twist left
  • Quad stretch right
  • Quad stretch left
  • Hamstring stretch
  • Adductor stretch right
  • Adductor stretch left
  • Side stretch right
  • Side stretch left

Additionally, we use a numbering system at my martial arts school for our basic Kickboxing strikes.  Many of the combinations in this heavy bag workout refer to this numbering system. 😃

  1. Straight left jab
  2. Straight right punch
  3. Left Hook
  4. Right Hook
  5. Left Uppercut
  6. Right Uppercut
  7. Left Foot Jab
  8. Right Foot Jab
  9. Left Hook Kick
  10. Right Hook Kick





This is the first exercise in the warm up.  Sometimes called “Ski poles”.  Image you’re cross country skiing!



Here’s a lower body exercise staple.  Keep you weight on your heels and be sure to keep your back straight.



Lunges are great for building and toning your glutes!   As you bring your knee close to the floor, you want a 90 degree bend in both your knees.


Heels Up

Stay on your toes and bring your heels up to your hand!


Push Ups

An upper body classic.  Keep your abs tight and have a 90 degree bend in your elbows at the base of your push up.



Shoulder Stretch

Sitting down, have your hands far away from your hips and ensure that your elbows are bent as you lift your chest to the sky.  This stretches the front of your shoulders.


Seated Twist Stretch (Left)

Sitting down, bring your left arm across your right left leg.  Keep your back straight as you twist and turn your torso.


Seated Twist Stretch (Right)

Similar to before only you’re bringing your right arm across to your left leg.  Once again, be sure to keep your spine straight as you hit the stretch.


Quad Stretch (Left)

Lying on your side, grab your left ankle with your left hand.  Draw your left knee back as you drive your hip forward.


Quad Stretch (Right)

Just as before only with your right hand grabbing your right ankle.  Pull your right knee back as you drive your hip forward.


Hamsting Stretch

Standing up, focus your weight through your heels as you lift your hips to the sky; and then, just let your back hang.


Adductor Stretch (Right)

Support your weight on your hands and bring your hip to your right heel.  Try to keep both heels to the ground.


Adductor Stretch (Left)

Walk on your hands a bring your hip over to your left heel.  Focus on keeping your back straight and try to keep both heels on the ground.


Side Stretch (Right)

Bring your right foot back, and then, draw your right elbow up to the sky.


Side Stretch (Left)

Left foot goes back as your left elbow gets pulled up to the ceiling.




Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #1

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds.

  • Running And Hitting
  • Left Hook
  • Right Hook
  • Skip Knees


Running And Hitting

Here’s a basic Boxing exercise to introduce you punching.  Always bring your hands back to your chin after you punch and be sure to keep you knees up as you do this drill!




Left Hooks

Continuous left hooks.  Focus on generating power through your left foot.  And be sure to keep your right hand up!



Right Hook

Same as before; only this time, continuous right hooks.  Keep your abs tight and drive into the punch with your right foot.



Skip Knees

This one looks like a dance from the 90’s 😃

Alternate throwing your right knee and then your left knee!

Knee strikes are a devastating tool in kickboxing; plus, throwing knees are the best way to introduce you to throwing kicks!  Keep your hands up and bring your knee up nice and high.


* Be sure to have water during your 1 minute break between rounds.  And have fun!!




Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #2

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • 1 duck 2 duck
  • Alternating Foot Jabs
  • Alternating Back Kicks
  • Elbow/Knees


1 Duck, 2 Duck

Here we’re combining a defensive move with an offensive move.  If someone is trying to punch you in the face, just move your face!  In this drill we’re going to move our head straight down.  It’s called a duck.  Basically, it’s a lunge where you’re bringing your right knee down towards the ground.  Come up with a 1 – a straight left punch.  And then, come up again with a 2 – a straight right punch.



Alternating Foot Jabs

Here’s a classic kickboxing drill for you.  Start off with lifting your left knee up to your chest.  As you extend your leg for the kick be sure to aim with the ball of your foot.  Immediately skip into the right kick.  Keep a high pace with this one!!



Alternating Back Kicks

One of my all time favourite drills.  Start by bending from the waist. Look over your shoulder as you bring your knee up to your chest.  Aim with your heel as you extend you leg straight back.



Elbow Knee, Elbow Knee

This is one of my favourite combos for self defense.  Throw your right elbow followed by your right knee.  Continue right away with your left elbow and your left knee.




Don’t forget!! 😃☝️  Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #3

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • Shuffling 3’s
  • Shuffling 4’s
  • Left hook kick
  • Right hook kick



Shuffle 3’s

3’s are left hooks. Imagine punching someone in their right ear!  Step to the side as you punch.  And focus on making a 90 degree bend in your elbow when you’re punching.



Shuffling 4’s

4’s are right hooks.  With 4’s, you’re punching someone in the left ear, left side of the jaw, or the left side of their ribs.  Keep your left hand up and step side to side as you punch!



Left Hook Kick

Also called a roundhouse kick, imagine kicking someone in the right ear or in the right side of their ribs.  Try to keep your right hand up!!



Right Hook Kick

Sometimes, this is called a roundhouse kick. Try to keep your left hand up and image kicking someone in their left ear, left side of their ribcage, or to the outside of their left leg.





Don’t forget!! 😃☝️  Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #4

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • Switching 1,1,2
  • Right side kick
  • Left side kick
  • Step 3 step 4



Switching 1,1,2

Stay on your toes and step in as you throw a double left Jab (1); and then follow through with a straight right hand.  Immediately, switch your feet so your right foot is now forward and do a double right Jab with a straight left hand.



Right Side Kick

Lift your right knee up to you chest and then extend your right leg out to the side.  Predominately aiming with your heel towards your imaginary target.



Left Side Kick

Side kicks really work your glutes!!  Focus on bringing your left knee up to your chest first before you extend your leg out.  Aim with your heel and try to keep your right hand up!



Step 3, Step 4

Step with your left foot and throw your left hook (3); and then, step with your right foot to throw your right hook (4)


* Watch the Gifs as you’re working out so you can mimic my form!!



Remember!! 😃☝️  Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #5

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • 1, Low 2, 1, 2
  • Left foot jab, Right Kick
  • Right foot jab, Left Kick
  • 5,6,3,4


1, Low 2, 1, 2

Here we have our first boxing combination. A straight left punch (1), down to a low straight right (2) to the body, into a final jab (1) and straight right punch (2).

Be sure to bring your right knee down during your low 2 😃



Left Foot Jab,  Right Hook Kick

Lift up your left knee for your left foot jab and then immediately throw your right kick.  Try to land your right kick before your left foot hits the ground.



Right Foot Jab, Left Hook Kick

Same as before.  Imagine trying to skip into your left kick as you complete your right foot jab.



5, 6, 3, 4

Here’s fun drill combining your uppercuts with your hooks.  Starting off with a left uppercut (5), into a right uppercut (6), with a left hook (3), and finishing with a right hook (4)

* Keep going!!  You’ll get tired and you’ll slow down.  That’s okay.  Just keep going.  I believe in you!!




You got this!! 😃☝️  Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #6

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • Straight right into left hook
  • Straight left into right hook
  • Right punch right kick
  • Left punch left kick


Straight Right Into Left Hook

With your left foot forward, throw your straight right hand and on the retraction of that punch, throw your left hook.  Lift your right heel as you’re throwing your right punch; and then, lift your left heel as you’re throwing your left hook.



Straight Left Into Right Hook

Similar to before, only now, you’re starting this drill with your right foot forward.  Turn your shoulders as you throw your straight left hand; and then, follow it up with your right hook.



Right Kick Right Punch

While keeping your left hand up, start with your right kick; and then, think of doing three things at the same time – retract your right kick, throw  your right punch, and hop your left foot forward.



Left Kick Left Punch 

Just as before, only know with the left hand and the left kick.  The rhythm of this drill out to seem like you’re running but just on one side of your body 🤪





Here we go!! 😃☝️  Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #7

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • Right foot jab, right hook kick
  • Left foot jab, left hook kick
  • Right crescent kick, right hook kick
  • Left crescent kick, left hook kick



Right Foot Jab, Right Hook Kick

Start things off by bringing your right knee up to your chest to chamber your leg for your right foot jab.  Aim for the heavy bag with the ball of your right foot.  Step in for your right hook kick and try to hit the heavy bag as it swings back into you!



Left Foot Jab, Left Hook Kick

You’re doing the same combination; now just with the left leg.  Launch the bag with your foot jab and then hit it as it swings back with your left hook kick!



Right Crescent Kick, Right Hook Kick

For the right crescent kick, imagine you’re drawing a clockwise circle with your foot.  Your crescent kick missed the heavy bag entirely – it’s about developing the range of motion and hip dexterity.  Plus, the crescent kick is just a fun kick to throw!  Follow up the crescent kick with an immediate hook kick!



Left Crescent Kick, Left Hook Kick

Same as before; but now, with the left leg.  Your left crescent kick is a counter clockwise circle.  And as soon as your left foot lands, launch an immediate left hook kick!




Here we go!! 😃☝️  Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #8

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • Shuffle Left Jab
  • Shuffle Right Jab
  • 1, Kick, 2, Kick
  • Alternating Back Kicks



Shuffle Left Jab

With your left foot forward, shuffle forward as you throw your straight left punch.  Keep your right hand up.  And then, spring back as you retract your punch.



Shuffle Right Jab

Keeping your feet fast, snap out your straight right punch as you maintain a right foot forward stance.



Right Kick Right Punch, Left Kick Left Punch

This is a continuous kickboxing drill.  Try your best to do this combination without pausing or taking a break!!



Alternating Back Kicks

One of my all time favourite drills.  Start by bending from the waist. Look over your shoulder as you bring your knee up to your chest.  Aim with your heel as you extend you leg straight back.




You got this!! 😃☝️  Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #9

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • Knee, Right Kick, Knee, Left Kick
  • Low Hook, High Hook
  • Alternating Hook Kicks
  • 1, Uppercut, 2, Uppercut


Knee, Right Kick, Knee, Left Kick

This one really gets your heart racing!! Skip into your right kick directly after you lift your left knee.  And then, skip into your left kick immediately after you lift your right knee.  Try to kick the bag as it swings back!!



Low Hook, High Hook

Starting with a low right hook by lowering your hips; and then drive up to followup with a high left hook.  Immediately, drop your hips for a left hook and then pop up for a high right hook.



Alternating Hook Kicks

Try to have at least one hand up to your chin as you’re cycling through this drill.  Do your best to kick as high as you can to get the most out of this drill.



1, Uppercut, 2, Uppercut

Here’s a really fun drill that totally works your core!!  Start by throwing a straight left punch.  As you throw you left punch, drop your right shoulder down to set up your right uppercut. Now, throw a straight right punch and simultaneously drop your left shoulder to set up your left uppercut.  Have fun!!


*Remember!! 😃 Working out is meant to be fun!  Don’t go too hard.  And focus on doing the best you can.  Slow and steady is the way to go 🤓




You got this!! 😃☝️  Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #10

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • 1, 2, 5, 2
  • Left knee into right kick
  • Right knee into left kick
  • Right Kick Right Punch, Left Kick Left Punch


1, 2, 5, 2

This is a classic boxing combination and one of my personal favourites.  Begin with a straight left jab (1), followed by a straight right hand (2).  Next, drop your left shoulder for left uppercut (5); and then, finish with a final straight right hand (2).



Left Knee Into Right Kick

Try to skip into this one! And be sure to keep your right hand up!



Right Knee Into Left Kick

Just like before, only with the left knee into the right kick.  It’s all about going directly into the kick after you lift your left knee!



Right Kick Right Punch, Left Kick Left Punch

We’ve seen this is a continuous kickboxing drill before!  It’s one of my favourites!! 😃

Try your best to do this combination without pausing or taking a break!!





Here we go!! 😃☝️  Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #11

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • 1, 2, 3, 4
  • 1, 2, 10
  • 2, 1, 9
  • 2, 1, 9, 1, 2, 10


Boxing Combo 1, 2, 3, 4

Here’s one of my favourite boxing combinations!  Starting off with a Jab (1), then a straight right hand (2), into a left hook (3), followed up by a final right hook (4).

*Remember to walk forward with your right foot as you throw your 4!! 😃👍



Kickboxing Combo 1, 2, 10

This is a classic kickboxing combination starting with a Jab (1), then a straight right (2), followed by a right hook kick (10)



Kickboxing Combo 2, 1, 9

This kickboxing combo is a bit more obscure but still fun to do!  It starts off with a straight right hand (2); then transitions to a straight left (1). The key thing it to pull your left leg back as you’re throwing your 1.  This gives you more power for you final strike.

You finish with a left hook kick (9)



2, 1, 9, 1, 2, 10 Super Combo

Here’s our 6 strike super combo!!  We’re combining the two kickboxing combinations to make a final super combo!



It’s time!! 😃☝️  This is your last workout in your 4 week Kickboxing at-home workout plan!!

Start your workout off with the basic warm up.  1 minute each – strides, squats, lunges, heels up, and push ups.

And then go through the stretch routine.  30 seconds each – shoulder stretch, seated twist right, seated twist left, quad stretch right, quad stretch left, hamstring stretch, adductor stretch right, adductor stretch left, side stretch right, and side stretch left.

Kickboxing Heavy Bag Workout #12

Do 1 minute of each for 4 rounds with a 1 minute rest between rounds:

  • Running and hitting
  • Knee, kick (left)
  • Knee, kick (right)
  • 2, 1, 9, 1, 2, 10


Running And Hitting

Let’s finish off where we started off!!  This was the first drill in our 4 week program, running and hitting.  A heart pumping drill that focuses on keeping your hands up as you punch!


Knee Kick Knee Kick (Left)

Remember, lifting up your knee is the core skill necessary for kicking. Lift your left knee up to your chest; and then, right away, launch your left kick.


Knee Kick Knee Kick (Right)

Same as before, bring your right knee up to your chest, as if you’re doing a shin block.  And then, launch a right kick right away.



2, 1, 9, 1, 2, 10 Super Combo

Ending things off with the super combo!! If you can do this combination, you can do any combination!

Ritchie Yip

Ritchie Yip

Ritchie Yip is the Head Instructor for InFighting Training Centers located in Downtown Vancouver and Brentwood Burnaby. InFighting Training Centers offers programs in Kickboxing, Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, Bootcamp Conditioning Classes and Personal Training

Article by

Ritchie Yip

Ritchie Yip is a life long martial artist, BJJ Black Belt, and the head instructor of the InFighting Martial Arts Gym in Burnaby, British Columbia, Canada.

Do you live in the Greater Vancouver, or Brentwood Burnaby area?
Are you looking for a Kickboxing program specifically designed for the absolute beginner? Then, come check out our world class 7,000 sq ft facility directly across the street from the Amazing Brentwood Mall. 😃

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