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You don’t always need a gym to get in shape! Lose weight, burn fat and build toned muscle anytime, anywhere with these 10 simple calisthenics.
This is one of my all time favourite bodyweight calisthenics. Burpees will get your heart pumping and your lungs burning. Burpees hit virtually every muscle group and is a staple in fitness classes everywhere.
- Hit a Push Up
- Jump up
Mountain Climbers
An amazing high intensity cardio exercise that you can do anywhere; especially, when space is limited.
- Knees to chest
- Back straight
- Abs tight
Donkey Kicks
This is one of those bodyweight exercises that’s a total burner for both the upper body and the lower body.
- Hips up high
- Stay on your toes
- Knees are bent
One of the best ab exercises around.
- Legs straight
- Arms straight
- Torso and legs move simultaneously
Froggers are an exercise that generates powers in your legs and in your back.
- Abs tight
- Hips low
- Focus on balance
Split Lunges
You’ll get power, explosiveness and amazing conditioning when you do Split Lunges. This is one of those body weight exercises that you’ve just gotta do!
- Abs tight
- Bend both knees
- Focus on balance
Reverse Crunches
This is the best exercise for your lower abs.
- Legs straight
- Head still
- Feet reach for the sky
Leg Raises
This is a tougher variation on the Reverse Crunches. Be sure to keep your abs engaged the entire tire so that you don’t strain your lower back!
- Feet never touch the floor
- Legs straight
- Abs tight
Jump Squats
Jump Squats are a staple bodyweight exercise. You’ll get power, explosiveness and great cardio just from this one exercise.
- Feet shoulder width apart
- Chest up
- Abs tight
If you can only do one exercise for your abs- do this one- it’s the best!
- Elbow to opposite knee
- Hands by your head
- Extend legs all the way