Today I’m going to explain a technical method of passing the Butterfly Guard in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu.
This is a slower and more incremental pass for the butterfly guard. And sometimes, if you’re super tired or if you’re an older BJJ practitioner; then, doing a slower, more incremental style of passing may be in your best interest.
Nullify their Guard
As you get over/under control of your opponent’s legs, bring your right knee back, bringing it together with your left knee for a short moment. This way you can control your opponent’s right shin and nullify their butterfly guard. Their shin will be rested on your lap. Your knees need to be close to your their hips to maintain tight control of their butterfly guard.
The Over/Under Pass
From here, lean over your opponent’s body and hook your left hand underneath their body, so that your bicep is on their right thigh. Your left hand will control their right shin. Hook your right hand around their left thigh, grabbing onto their pants, belt, or the skirt of their kimono jacket. If they don’t have any of these, just cup their leg. Your chin needs to be right by their left hip.
Once you have this position, make it stronger by drawing your right hand back a bit, and control your opponent’s right toe with your right bicep and the crook of your elbow.
Next, stretch your legs out in order to amplify your weight. Get your toes flat against the mat. Now drive your left shoulder into their torso, turning your body slightly to the left to pick up their legs. This will stop them from trying to re-guard. Then your right knee goes behind their right knee. This is really important to do as you drive up a bit further to attain their neck with your left arm for the over/under pass.