The technical stand up is a technique in BJJ to safely and effectively get back up to your feet if you are on your back.
How do you stand up safely if you are on the ground, and your opponent/training partner is standing up? Well, you certainly don’t want to lead with your face. You don’t want to lean forward where your opponent could punch you directly or knee you as you come up.
You need to protect your head. You may be on the ground, but from here you need to extend your leg, kick it out from underneath you, and now you’re able to stand and fight.
How do you do this?
Video: Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Basics: How to Do a Technical Stand Up
The Technical Stand Up
If you’re on the ground, make sure your right hand is posted. Then extend your right leg in front of you. Use your right leg to do a bit of a kick to keep your opponent away from you.
Next lift your right hip off the floor. Bring your right leg behind you by pulling it underneath your body and planting your right foot on the ground behind you. Now stand up.
Technical Stand Up Drill
You can do a drill to help you exercise this move.
- Sit on the floor with your legs out in front of you. Post your right hand behind you. Lift your hip off the floor. Stretch out your left arm in front of your face with the palm of your hand open. As you make this move, keep your hand open in front of your face. Bring your right foot underneath your body and plant it on the ground behind you.
- Sit on the floor again. Post your left hand behind you. Lift your hip off the floor. Stretch out your right arm in front of your face with the palm of your hand open. As you make this move, keep your hand open in front of your face. Bring your left foot underneath your body and plant it on the ground behind you.
- Repeat step 1) and 2) continuously.
This drill is great for a warm up and trains you for the technical stand up.