All Guard Sweeps work when you’re able to get at least one of your partner’s legs off the ground. As with all BJJ techniques, if your partner’s right leg is on the ground it’s a frame; but, if you bring it off the ground, it’s a lever.
Flower Sweep
From your Closed Guard, attempt a Back Take by circumventing your partner’s right elbow and by controlling partner’s left lat. Kick so that your partner’s left leg begins to lift off the ground.
Now you can use your right arm to take advantage of your partner’s left leg and use it as a lever to complete the sweep.
Scissor Sweep
Control your partner’s left collar and left sleeve from your Closed Guard. Now, tilt on to your right hip so your left shin covers their belt. Rock forward and back to lift your partner off the ground.
Once you’re supporting your partner’s weight on your left shin and their legs are off the ground, your partner’s left leg is now a lever for you to kick across and use as a sweeping tool.
The Basic Half Guard Sweep
In Jiu Jitsu, one of the key battles is to turn your partner’s limbs into levers; while, at the same time, preventing them from turning your limbs into levers. From Half Guard, underhook your partner’s hip and with both of your legs look to keep your partner’s right leg off the ground.
If your partner’s right leg is on the ground it’s a frame; but, if you bring it off the ground, it’s a lever.
Reverse Half Guard Sweep
If your partner wins the battle to keep their right leg on the ground, now fall to your right side and look to lift their left leg off the ground.
Use their left leg as a sweeping lever.
Butterfly Hook Sweep
From Butterfly Guard, you’re looking to get both or one of your partner’s legs off the ground. If you’re partner is driving into you; then, simply rock back, use both your feet to lift up your partner’s legs and sweep them over your head.
If your partner is more static; then, focus on lifting up their one leg. For the sweep to work, you need to lift up your partner’s right knee so that it is higher than their hip.
Tripod Sweep
As your partner stands up in your Open Guard, you need to immediately stop them from just running around your Guard. Grab their left ankle with your right hand and hook their right knee with your left foot while keeping your right foot on their left hip. When your partners feet are on the ground, their legs act as frames supporting their weight.
The objective with Jiu Jitsu is to turn their frames into levers. For you to turn your partner’s left leg into a lever, lift their left foot off the ground by pressing onto their left hip with your right foot. Once their foot is off the ground, pull their foot towards you for the speed.
Foot On Bicep Sweep
With the Foot On Bicep Spider Guard Sweep, you’re turning your partner’s entire body into a lever.
Position yourself directly under your partner much like you would for X Guard. Then, draw your foot out; thus, pull your partner away from their feet causing their entire body to turn into a lever. If you try and stomp down with your foot on their bicep, you’ll only reinforce the frame your partner has through their spine and their legs.
Single Leg X Guard Sweep
With your partner standing with their feet on the ground, their legs act like frames to support the weight of their body. The key principle in Jiu Jitsu is to turn their frames into levers. To do this you need to lift their foot off the floor so their leg turns into a lever. Turning frames into levers is the key principle ruling all BJJ techniques. From Single Leg X Guard, you want to act like a bottle jack and lift your partner’s foot off the ground. Once their foot is off the ground, now use your tricep to cut your partner’s foot out from underneath them to complete the sweep.
The sweep was only made possible since you lifted your partner’s foot off the ground; thus, turning their leg into a lever.
X Guard Technical Standup Sweep
Jiu Jitsu is basically stick fighting. And legs are just sticks. Sticks can either be frames or sticks can be levers. If legs are supporting weight; then, they’re frames. If your partner’s leg is off the ground; then, it’s a lever.
From X Guard, kick your partner away so that their left leg is off the ground; thus, turning it into a lever for you to control. Post up on your hand and stand up to complete the Technical Standup Sweep on your partner.
X Guard Sweep
If your partner is able to keep both their legs on the ground; then, their legs are strong frames to resist your sweep attempts. The key principle in all BJJ techniques is to see that Jiu Jitsu is just stick fighting and that legs are just sticks to either absorb force or amplify force.
From X Guard, lift your partner’s one leg off the ground to create a lever and sweep them to the ground using a classic X Guard Sweep.